Saturday, May 17, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

This year in February, I was blessed to see 29. I decided that I would use my Birthday to be a blessing to others! My boys & I did 29 Random Acts of Kindness to celebrate my special day. I created cards so that when people stumble upon the act, they would know it was meant Just for them! It was pure awesomeness seeing the smiles on people's faces.This will be our family's new birthday tradition. We had a blast, Hope you enjoy!!!

1st Random Act of Kindness-Sons made police officers a picture & we took them donuts & a thank you card.

2nd Random Act of Kindness-Let the boys hide/leave one dollar for someone to find in Dollar Tree.

3rd Random Act of Kindness-Let the boys leave a dollar in our local bookstore for someone to find.

4th Random Act of Kindness-The boys made the Firemen a picture & we took them cookies & a Thank you card. The boys were too excited to see the inside of the station.

5th Random Act of Kindness- Left quarters on candy machines. My sons are always asking for one, so thought this was cool.

6th Random Act of Kindness-Left Quarter on Plush bear grab machine.

7th Random Act of Kindness-Left popcorn on 3 Random Redbox machines.

8th Random Act of Kindness- Laundry on us today:)

9th Random Act of Kindness-Cheer someone up with a flat tire. ~Air on Us Today:)

10th Random Act of Kindness-Gave a Transit Worker a gift card & a Thank you card. The boys love the city bus!

#11-Left some pampers & wipes in a restroom for an awesome parent!

#12-Gave a gift to a checkout clerk. The note on the candle says "Hope your day doesn't stink." She loved it!!!

#13. Taped an encouraging note to the mirror in the ladies fitting room. ~Really love this one because I dislike trying on clothes!

#14. Left two dollars in the Dollar section in Target.

#15-Left this Encouraging note on the scale in a local gym.

#16-Left a gift card & encouraging note on the car window of someone's car.

#17-Left money on soda machine
~Soda on us today:)

#18-Gave cookies & a Thank you card to the workers of a local McDonald's. They work so hard & are so unappreciated...This was one of my favorites!

#19-Gave a basket of items to the Humane Society

#20-Gave men at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission Blessing bags.
They were so appreciative!

#21-Left coloring books & crayons in the waiting room at the hospital.

#22.Left money in random places in Walmart.

#23-Left notes like this all over the city:)

#24-Left quarters on the ride & shop machine at Walmart.

#25-Doubled our waitress tip and bought her a gift. Since our family LOVES movie nights, we bought her a movie, popcorn, candy, soda and a throw blanket.

#27-Left quarters on the snack machine  and on the game machines at the bowling alley. 

#28-A Thank you card for our mail person.

#29-A gift card for the Awesome employee at the bowling alley. She cried & couldn't believe that I was giving to her on my birthday. She is sweet & such a hard worker!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

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