Friday, May 16, 2014

Unique Bedtime Routines

We have followed a pretty predictable bedtime routine since the boys were small – bath, pajamas, brush teeth, stories, cuddles, lights out.
Some nights call for a little something extra. And, some nights, I need to remind myself not to hurry through this part of the day, but to slow down and enjoy the snuggles and chit-chat of two sleepy boys.
Here are a few of the ways we've added a spark to our normal bedtime routine – I hope you’ll share your ideas in the comments, too!

Ham-Up Story Time

Once in a while, go all out with your bedtime story. Make crazy voices for different characters, act out parts, or even wear a silly costume. If you choose a story your kids know well, they can chime in at their favorite parts.

Whispering Silly Songs

For a bit of fun and giggles, without getting your kids too riled-up, whisper-sing a few silly songs before tucking in to bed. Try Aikendrum, Down By the Bay, Willoughby Wallaby Woo, or any of your child’s favorite songs.

Tell Me a Story

My boys have always loved for me to tell them a story before bed. But, to be honest, my imagination is not always at its peak at the end of the day – how about you? Here are a few ways I make night time storytelling a little easier on myself:
~ I’ll tell a story about when they were babies, or any little memory I can think of.
~ I might ask them to each tell me a place, an animal, and something magical, and then turn those things into a story.
~ Tell just a little bit of a continuing story each night. They can remind me where we left off, and I don’t have to think of new characters!

Flashlight Games

My boys love flashlights, and I bet your kids do, too. Bedtime is the perfect time to play a few flashlight games. We like to make shadow animals with our hands, or draw letters and shapes on the ceiling with our light and see if we can guess what each person made.

What is the most important part of your bedtime routine? I’d love to hear the ways you connect with your kiddos at the end of the day!

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