Monday, June 9, 2014

New Incentive System-MOM BUCKS

While watching "A Diary of A Wimpy Kid" with my sons, I saw a brilliant incentive system. The mom used "Mom Bucks."So you know my mind started wandering & I decided to totally change the system we have been using. Each day the boys will start fresh with 10 Mom Bucks. They know the rules & what is expected of them daily. When rules are broken or negative behavior is displayed, they will have a Mom Buck taken away. They will also have the opportunity to earn extra Mom Bucks if they go out of their way to do something nice for someone, extra chores, etc. Each Sunday, we'll tally up their bucks earned & they will have a chance to take their Mom Bucks to the Mom Store(a plastic bin filled with various items) or pay $5 to choose from our Reward Jar. This is also a great way to help with math. They'll learn how to save money, since they do have the option of saving up their bucks for a larger item. I'm excited to lay this out at our family meeting this week. I think this one is a winner!

~The Joys Of Motherhood

Mom Bucks!

Screen Time Tickets!!!
Can help prevent screen time from becoming ALL the time. You can give your child his tickets all at once and let him figure out how to spend them during the week, or set a limit on the number of tickets your child can use each day. I use them to reward good behavior or other jobs well done since my boys are only allowed 30 minutes of screen time daily. 
Worth 5 Mom Bucks

Reward Jar Coupons!!!
Worth 5 Mom Bucks:)

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