six-year-old has become a bundle of indecisiveness. The I
don’t knows come out
of his mouth like a reflex or knee-jerk reaction.
From simple things (like what
to eat for breakfast) to more involved ones (like what to spend his money on), he
is really struggling with the deciding process. It also seems to really bother
him that he can’t answer a question or choose something immediately – picture
whining, crying, and collapsing in frustration.
I happen to think that being
able to confidently make decisions is an important life-skill, so I try to
model my strategies for making decisions as they come up, big and small.
are some of the things I am weaving-in to our daily life to help both my boys
strengthen their decision-making skills – most of these can be adapted for use
with toddlers or teens, too!
Think Time
This is the skill I work on
the most with LaRelle – it seems like the most basic, but for some reason he
feels pressure to make decisions immediately. If you hang around our house for
any amount of time, you would probably hear me say, “It’s okay to think about
it. Take your time and let me know when you are ready.”
also talk about the amount of think time being proportionate to the “size” of
the decision. Small
decisions=less think time; big decisions=lots of think time. Choosing what to
wear today shouldn’t require as much think time as choosing what color to paint
your room. This must be why I still haven’t decided on a new sofa!
Lists, Lists, and more Lists
of my boys like seeing their choices in writing (or pictures). So, together we
have made many lists like Things I Can Play By Myself and Snacks I Like. We
tape the list up in an appropriate location and leave it up as long as it is
useful. Sometimes, just writing the list is enough to organize their thoughts
and they don’t even need to use it after that.
Narrowing Down Choices
Sometimes, I step in and
limit the choices, just like I did when the boys were younger. For example,
offering two choices for breakfast seems to be more helpful than saying, “What
do you want for breakfast?”
is also learning to narrow down choices for himself – if he can get it down to
two choices, he usually does his own version of eeny,
meeny, miny, moe to

Changing the Script
We've been practicing some
positive self-talk, too. When LaRelle is having trouble deciding what he wants
to do, he tends to say things like, “I don’t know” or “I can’t think of
I’m modeling more positive
responses and self-talk, such as, “I’d like to think about it for a minute” or
“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll let you know when I decide.”
I’m also encouraging him to
say to himself, “I am a good thinker!”
Pros & Cons
bigger decisions, I have already introduced making a pros
and cons list. We talk about and write down pluses
and minuses for
the choices. Again, just the process of talking and writing seems to help the
decision-making come easier.
Update: I started writing this post a couple
months ago. We have been using these strategies when necessary, and I have
noticed a big improvement in LaRelle’s approach to making decisions. He does
not always make quick decisions, but he is also not frustrated by the process
of thinking about something and making a choice. Just another sign that he is
growing and changing!
Are your kids impulsive or do
they like to think things through? Have any decision-making tips to share?
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