Sunday, May 25, 2014

$10 Date Night

It was a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday & it was also Date Night! On a $10 budget & some gas in the tank, we had a phenomenal, if not one of the best dates ever.
My husband & I toured some of the city's beautiful spots, enjoyed  a romantic picnic & cooled off with Ice Cream... 
We refused to complain about what we could not do & enjoy the things we could.

Looking Fabulous for the hubby as we head on our journey for the day:)

Walking on Lake Dr. Claiming our future home:)

One of the many Beautiful homes we saw. Talked to some of the homeowners & they were really friendly.

He was enjoying the beautiful view while I'm snapping pictures lol

Our footprints in the sand. He thought it was corny, I think it's cool:)

Couple doing yoga at the lake. I thought it was pretty cool.

The simple things in Life
Picnic in the Park

He loved my little creation

Our awesome lunch. It was so delicious!

Ist activity on our picnic was to write down 3 things we want our spouse to do that they are not or that we want them to do more of. Very interesting yet fun.

2nd activity was called Love Quest. We learned more about each other & had an awesome conversation.

Somebody didn't want to be in the picture

Who doesn't LOVE Ice Cream:)

Ended our outings at Klutch Park enjoying the waterfall. One of our favorite hideouts.

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