Friday, May 16, 2014

When Your Child Does What You Tell Them & You Get Upset....

For those that do not know, I work at the school my children attend. Today at recess, a boy hits a girl in the stomach for getting an out in kickball. My son makes sure she is OK & ask the boy not to hit a girl. In runs the boys cousin & both boys start fighting my son. Children start running up to me telling me what happened & that students are fighting my son.

I looked over & automatically became outraged. I kept telling myself, be a teacher, be a teacher; because every emotion was that of a mother. Not wanting anyone to say I was showing favoritism or did something to the other children, I asked another teacher to come with me. She literally had to pull these boys off my son. These "CHILDREN" told this woman that their moms were going to whoop her fat ass (excuse my & their language).Once they were removed, I comforted my son.

Already upset, but now seeing his tears made me even more angry. I asked my son why he didn't defend his self & his reply with tears streaming from his face was that "You told me not to hit anyone, to use my words or tell the teacher." At that moment I felt like I let him down & taught him the wrong thing. I've never been one of those "beat them down" type of moms & my boys are far from fighters, yet they have to learn to defend themselves. I was so upset to the point where I had tears sliding down my face.

Now, as a parent & educator, how would you address this moving forward? What is the next best conversation to have?

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