Monday, June 9, 2014

Family Conversation Starters

As I prepared dinner  I started thinking...Whatever happened to eating dinner as a family? Setting the table & sitting down together. No TV, phone calls, laptops & no eating in your bedroom for sure, along with any other room in the house. And where did the saying "Don't talk at the dinner table come from"? After prayer, my family discuss the activities of our day along with other thoughts that may be on our mind. I use that time to interact with my kings & they look forward to telling me about their day. So if I were to follow that "No talking at the table" rule, I would miss out on the perfect opportunity to build with my sons...Eating dinner as a family is a great way to spend time together, build communication, find out what's going on in your child's life & adds another layer to strengthen your foundation as a family. Even statistics show that children, who were granted this simple opportunity, were more productive, outgoing & received higher test scores. So in conclusion, let's go back to the ole days, when we took advantage of every opportunity to gather & build as a family... If for only 1 night a week, let's turn off all distractions, sit together, encourage discussion & enjoy dinner...
~Attached are sample conversation starter questions to begin. I still get mine off line, so it's fine if you can't think of your own. Remember we are a team:)

Our Family Conversation Starter Jar...
Our old one needed a question upgrade, so I added new questions & knock knock jokes.
~Dinner at the McWilliams:)

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